I've been thinking lately. Every girl wants to be a princess right? I mean who hasn't at one time wondered what it would be like to have a REAL prince come along and sweep them off their feet? Ok, I'm sure someone out there never had that thought, and that's ok, but for those of us that have, it is a pretty exhilarating thought!
I admit it. I was totally one of those crazy Americans who got up and watched the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton who just happen to have a couple cameos in this book. Ok, so I didn't get up at 4 am, I got up at around 8 I think, and watched it on E! (hey, Angela Lansbury was one of the commentators, and you can't beat that! So I might be obsessed with Beauty and the Beast.) And then I watched it again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Yes, my husband probably thought I was nuts, but I didn't care! A normal girl just became a princess for goodness sake! That NEVER happens. In that moment, the world changed, and every single girl knew that it could happen to her.
Growing up, I wasn't obsessed with princesses or anything. For Pete's sake I HATED pink. But I loved books, and Beauty and the Beast was right up my alley. (My husband splurged and bought me the diamond edition on Blu-Ray for me when it came out for my birthday) I remember when I was a teenager and the first Princess Diaries movie came out. I went with my mom and my younger sister. After we walked out of the theater, I turned to my mom and asked her "So, Mom, is there anything you want to tell me? I mean, my name is Sarah after all, which means 'princess.'" You never know who is in your past or future, so why not ask? Ok, on to the books! I'll finish the story later.
I've got a contemporary romance for you today! Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck. This is the first book of hers that I have read, and it also happens to be the first in her Royal Weddings series.

What I loved: The cover! Isn't it just incredible? It's beautiful. Sometimes, a cover really does make the book. The characters were fantastic. I loved Susanna's spunk, and her sister's wide-eyed innocence. I loved their faith in God and trust in his provision. It is so hard to give up our dreams, especially when we've got them all planned out, and follow God's plan instead. This story is the perfect example of God's best being waaaay better than our good. Prince Nathaniel was wonderful too, as was his cousin. :) Hope he appears again! I loved the cameos by the British Royals. Sigh. The story was so sweet too, and it made me crave BBQ.
What I didn't like: That it ended. Seriously! It made me wish I was there. Some of the politics were a little confusing, but I was able to mostly follow along.
Application: Ok back to my mom's response after I asked if we were princesses. She laughed at me and told me that as far as she knew there were no kingdoms in my past or my future - at least not earthly ones. They she reminded me that as a Christian, I am a daughter of the King, and that alone makes me a princess! I tried telling her that wasn't the same as having a castle here on earth. Her reply, "You're right. It's even better!" You see, what my mom was reminding me of, was that Heaven is forever. As a daughter of King Jesus, whose kingdom never ends, I will have a mansion in Heaven forever, and I will be his daughter, his princess forever as well. Every Christian will, and already is! How AWESOME is that?!
This book also talked a lot about our plans verses God's plans. Susanna had everything in her life planned out, and when one thing went wrong, everything did. Yet instead of massively panicking, she gave it to God - and a whole lot sooner than I would have! Living on the edge is not my idea of fun, but I've learned that God will always be there to catch me. Ever had a time like that in your life?
Overall: Another fantastic story! I'm excited for the next book to come out! Meanwhile, I'm going to go read more of her books. I currently have The Wedding Dress sitting on my nightstand, and I think it just might get read very soon! :) I'm off to go re-watch the two Princess Diaries movies. :D What about you, what's your favorite princess movie or book?
Happy Readings!
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