Today I have the newest book by Davis Bunn called The Turning.* This will be the third book by Mr. Bunn that I have reviewed since starting this blog. The other two, Strait of Hormuz, and Unlimited can be found here and here. This book is completely different from the two mentioned above. It is contemporary fiction that addresses the idea that a single act of obedience to God's promptings can literally change the world.
Summary (as provided to me by the author): The message was unexpected but instantly recognizable.

actions were demanding, but not particularly grand. Only later would they
see a pattern emerge - one that links their tasks together and comes to
challenge the cultural direction of the nation. They realize that one
small personal response unveiled a new realm of moral responsibility. And
this affirmation of everyday hope captures the attention of millions.
power and money are at stake. Malicious elements soon align themselves to
counter the trend. To succeed they must also undermine its source.
Can we really believe that God speaks to people today?
Surely this
must be dismissed as superstition or delusion. These well-intentioned but
misguided individuals should not be allowed to cast our society back into the
Dark Ages.
public debate and media frenzy place an unprecedented spotlight on knowing and
doing God's will. The five encounter threats, but try to remain steadfast
in their faith. Had God indeed imparted wisdom on selected
individuals? Is this sweep of events part of his divine purpose?
The movement may herald a profound renewal - one
that some are calling The Turning...
What I liked: Great story. I enjoyed how all the pieces fit together. I also enjoyed the characters and learning about their struggles. I liked that it challenged me to think about my life, and whether or not I will respond if/when God speaks to me. It was a fast read, but it also made me stop and think at the same time. I also enjoyed that Mr. Bunn let you know where and when things happened, and gave you warned when you jumped between characters.
What I didn't care for: I felt it was a bit choppy at times, and the fact that all these people suddenly ended up in the same place was kind of glossed over. The story still worked, that part just left me wanting a little. I also thought it was odd that of the ENTIRE multi-billion dollar company, the only two people that had a problem with the Hope is Dead campaign were from a recent acquisition, and that even if there weren't other believers, that everyone went along with the idea.
Spiritual Application: Although no one has outright come out with a "Hope is Dead" campaign, the idea is very prevalent in our society today. Look at the top best sellers on the NYTimes or Amazon lists. They are dystopian, vampires, or sex related. None of those things offer hope. In fact, they offer the exact opposite. They say that there is no hope, so you may as well live it up while you can. How depressing. Yet, this is the message that people are buying into every day. People have lost hope. They have given up on God, and the church, and believe they have no way out - or don't want to find one. This is why this book and its message matter. More importantly, this is why the Bible matters - because it is the only true source of hope.
The other main spiritual theme running through this book is the idea of a turning point. What would happen if we listened to God's voice, and obeyed his promptings - even if what he asked us to do was the hardest thing we had ever done? Obedience to God is just as important as listening to him. The Bible commands us to be not just hearers of the Word, but doers also. When God speaks we ought to listen, and when he tells us to do something, we ought to obey. God won't let us down, and he will work things out for his purposes. In the book, the main characters had the choice to obey God's promptings, and look what happened! God did great things. They weren't forced to obey. There's a section where the believers talk about feeling not complete - like there were supposed to be more people there, but those people didn't respond to God's call. I've totally had those times in my life, where I felt God prompting me to do or say something. When I've obeyed, it's been pretty cool. When I've disobeyed, I felt sad, and knew I had missed out on something really great. So, when that call comes - how will you respond? How will I? Are we ready?
Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and have rated it five stars on Amazon and Goodreads. It challenged me, and forced me to think about my relationship with God and his plan for my life. It has made me want to look for ways to be used by God, and I hope it does for you, as well. Also, if you check out, you will find videos explaining the book, it's need, and a free devotional to go along with it.
Happy Readings!
Sarah K
*I received a complimentary copy of The Turning from River North Fiction in exchange for my honest
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