Hello Friends! Sorry for the long absence. I've got a few reviews I've written over the past year, and will be uploading them shortly. I apologize if they aren't as fancy as my previous ones. I'll try to get back into that style soon!
Up first:
The Wedding Chapel by Rachel Hauck
I have looked forward to this book for quite some time. I love Rachel Hauck's
Royal Weddings series, and I enjoyed
The Wedding Dress as well. I had a feeling I'd like this one too, and I was right.
This book switches back and forth between both time periods and point of view quite often. Ms. Hauck weaves back and forth between today and the 1940's-50's, and the story is told through the eyes of four characters - Coach Jimmy and retired actress Colette, and Taylor and her husband Jack. These characters are all intertwined, though at first it isn't quite clear how, their story of love and heartbreak, sacrifice and turmoil speaks clearly throughout. While this may sound confusing, Ms. Hauck does a great job of helping the reader keep track of who is speaking and when at the beginning of each chapter.
The story itself is beautiful, and spoke to me. Taylor and Jack are newlyweds struggling to figure out how to make marriage work. At times I wanted to smack them both and tell them to just communicate already! It caused me to sit back and look at my own marriage, however, and reflect on my own communication skills with my husband.
The other issue that was important in the story was that of sibling rivalry, and the idea that there are two sides to every story. It reminded me, yet again, that it is easy to judge someone when you don't know the whole story, and while sometimes that information doesn't change things, often times it does. Taylor's grandmother and Colette were sisters, and didn't get along at all. Many characters in the book didn't think well of Taylor's grandma, but she had a good relationship with her. This spoke to me, and reminded me to find the good in those around me.
Overall, I really enjoyed The Wedding Chapel, and recommend it to anyone who loves a good romance with history thrown into the mix!
*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review*